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Jayaram Krishnan
Jun 6, 20234 min read
YOUR Goals and OUR Roadmap: Connecting the dots
Summary: ASPIREKEN was launched a couple of months ago (early April 2023) as a scientific methodology for goal achievement, to be used by...
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Jayaram Krishnan
May 30, 20234 min read
Setting opposite goals for training and real life performance is the key to growth
Summary: When we are building a skill, either as individuals or as a team, it may appear that our approach should be the same while...
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Jayaram Krishnan
May 23, 20237 min read
Win by Self-Belief, but do not fail by empty Self-Deception!
Summary We often hear that we must have self-belief to achieve our most challenging goals. But does that really work? And how does it...
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Jayaram Krishnan
May 16, 20237 min read
Skin in the game: collective effort for shared goals
Have you ever found it difficult to motivate or inspire people, and get them to do the things you want them to do? It could be your...
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Jayaram Krishnan
May 9, 20236 min read
Embrace the Suck: baby steps to incredible resilience
When life sucks, or our situation sucks (i.e. it is painful, horrible, ugly, irritating, annoying etc), we must embrace (i.e. accept and...
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Jayaram Krishnan
May 2, 20236 min read
LDE is a killer secret for long term success and growth
The secret method for long term growth and success presented in this article is hardly noticed, talked about or written about. Yet, it is...
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Jayaram Krishnan
Apr 25, 20236 min read
The PO and SAID principles for all individual and organizational progress
In this article, we discuss how two fundamental principles of capacity growth, widely applied to many areas of physical fitness training,...
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Jayaram Krishnan
Apr 17, 20236 min read
Current state assessment: the critical next step in the goal achievement journey
In our previous blog post, we spoke of how to identify and validate the greatest goals we can challenge ourselves with. As mentioned...
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Jayaram Krishnan
Apr 10, 20236 min read
The journey to success begins with the intricate art of purposeful daydreaming
Consider the most successful people you know: either personal contacts, or world famous figures; Consider the most successful...
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Jayaram Krishnan
Apr 2, 20235 min read
Easy and fast method to achieve the most challenging goals!
A good friend called me the other day and said, “hey, I heard you are starting up again – what does your new venture do?” “It’s a...
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